Let’s think about our own personal vision, and see how it connects to this course.
Press ‘play’ on the audio below, close your eyes (if you are comfortable doing so), and follow the instructions you hear.
Module 1 Section II My Vision Audio Script
Module 1 Section II My Vision Audio Script
Close your eyes. Imagine the community that is the main focus of your service. If you are not yet working with a group of people or community, think of where you would like to be involved.
In your mind’s eye, stand in the middle of the community. What do you see? Who do you see? What do you smell? What do you hear?
Now imagine you can get into a time machine. Jump forward 3 years. Before you open the door to the time machine, you realize one more thing: all of your hard work has paid off. All of the dreams and hopes for those you support have come true. Your partnership with them has accomplished everything you hoped for!
Now step out of the time machine and look around. What do you see? What do you smell? What do you hear? What is different because of the work you have done in partnership with this community? What has changed? What successes do you see? What blessings?
Now, open your eyes and follow the directions in the course.
Take a piece of paper, and:
a. Write what you imagined three years from now. Use just one word for each change, each success, and each blessing that you saw.
b. Look at your list: How would you group any of the words together to create categories? Group your words, aiming for no more than five categories.
c. Now, choose a word to name the category. Write each category name by each group of words.
(For example, ‘trained teachers’, ‘kids graduate high school’, and ‘thriving school system’ could be categorized as Education.)
Create a sentence that describes your vision using the words you chose for the category titles. Aim to use active verbs.
Begin with “My vision is to see…”
Write your vision in your My Notes document. You’ll use this document frequently, so you may want to leave it open.
You will share your vision in your team meeting, and together come up with a group vision for your teaching team as a whole.