II. Encouraging Stabilization

As you read the following, notice what it says about the role of a Lala’s Journey facilitator. 

Stabilization is a crucial first step in trauma healing that helps children grow their social and emotional skills, moving to a place of more emotional peace and safety. We can support them in this by teaching and modeling coping strategies that help them to self-regulate (control) their emotions and behaviors. 

The Lala’s Journey curriculum is designed to be used by both licensed mental health professionals and those who are not formally trained. The story in the book, “Lala’s Journey” helps children begin to understand what they might be going through. It also provides opportunities to practice stabilization skills. Because of the interactive nature of the program, and the safety that is built in the small group, the Lala’s Journey group is a safe place to practice these strategies before applying them to their lives outside of the group.

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