II. Preparing to Set Up to Teach

At your first meeting with the other facilitators on your team, you’ll be working as a group to create a list of questions to answer together that will guide the setup of your Lala’s Journey group. To prepare for this meeting, you will now personalize the list of questions below, and then bring it with you to your team meeting. Then, together, you will combine lists to create a master list of questions and use that to set up your group.

Now, thinking of the group of children you will first lead through Lala’s Journey, read through the list of questions below to consider when setting up that group. You’ll also find this list in My Notes.

Set-Up Questions List

to prepare for your Lala’s Journey group

  1. When will we meet?
  2. Where will we meet? 
  3. How can we make the location special?
  4. How many children we will have?
  5. What order do we want to have for the movable parts of the curriculum? (see front of Facilitator’s Guide)
  6. Who will be the facilitators (minimum 2)?
  7. Who else needs to be trained to lead or help with other things, like translation?
  8. What preparation meetings do we need to schedule?
  9. Will we all participate in the adult version of the five activities before we facilitate?
  10. When will we meet each week to prepare for the next week’s lesson? (Be sure to go through the entire lesson in case there are triggers or issues to be worked out before teaching.)
  11. How will we safeguard children? (i.e. what are our policies for screening volunteers, or guidelines for interacting with kids, etc.) See note below*.
  12. How can we stay personally self-aware, and aware of the health of each other, and our team as a whole?
  13. How will we respond to unhealthy or unbalanced motivations in caring for others? How will we communicate concerns?
  14. How do we want to encourage our team to create a culture that values self-care?
  15. What is our reporting structure for abuse or other issues that come up?*
  16. What is our process for referring a child or family who needs professional help?*
  17. Other topics or questions do you think should be addressed?


*This training does not cover several things asked above that are critical to have in place when working with children. You are responsible to know and implement safeguarding, including reporting when issues like abuse are disclosed. This training is not professional, medical, or legal advice; this is meant to be informative, but we encourage you to reach out to qualified professionals in your context for more guidance.

Now, keeping in mind the meeting you will have with your facilitation team to set up your Lala’s Journey group, follow the instructions below and make your adjustments to the list in My Notes.


          • Read through the list of questions below to consider when setting up your Lala’s Journey group.
          • Highlight the ones that you think are a priority. (Don’t worry about answering them right now.)
          • Underline the ones that need outside research or input.
          • Add any questions you think are missing, that are important for setting up your group.
Question Sets